turbulent flame

英 [ˈtɜːbjələnt fleɪm] 美 [ˈtɜːrbjələnt fleɪm]

网络  紊流火焰



  1. PDF Simulation of Local Extinction Within a Bluff-Body Stabilized Turbulent Non-Premixed Flame
  2. Using the digital image processing technique and the laser tomography technique, a novel approach based on the turbulent intermittence was proposed here to describe the extinction process of turbulent flame.
  3. Analysis of the critical micro-scale with self-similarity of turbulent flame
  4. Phenomenological Turbulent Flame Velocity Model for Premixed Combustion
  5. Further analyses and calculations show that the decrease in turbulence intensity in supercharged gasoline engine will slow down the turbulent flame speed, so it is another reason that supercharged gasoline engine is easy to knock.
  6. By using the simulated turbulent velocity fields, three dimensional geometric details of turbulent flame was obtained for the first time.
  7. A phenomenological model of turbulent flame growth is proposed, this model combines the growth process of turbulent flame with the instantaneous flame scale and basic turbulent characteristic parameters, and describes the whole process of the flame development from laminar propagation to fully developed turbulent propagation.
  8. Experimental Study on the Shock Wave Induced by Turbulent Flame in Aluminum Dust-Air Mixture
  9. A Phenomenological Model of Turbulent Flame Growth
  10. The mechanism of fractal nature in turbulent flame structure is also discussed.
  11. The k-ε turbulent model, three-gas mixing combustion model and composite radiation model were applied to numerical simulation of the turbulent diffusion flame in a gas burner with spinning air.
  12. The turbulent flame propagation model of a reciprocating piston gasoline engine was inspected to see whether it is applicable to gasoline Wankle engine based on the experimental data.
  13. A distract model has been firstly established to simulate the turbulent flame propagation speed for the dual fuel engine in this paper.
  14. The process of Fuel-NO formation is experimentally studied in a methane/ Air planar jet turbulent flame by adding a small amount of ammonia ( NH3) in fuel to simulate fuel nitrogen.
  15. Investigation on Structure of Premixed Turbulent Flame Based on Measure Fractal Theory
  16. A Model for Erosive Burning of Solid Propellant Based on Statistical Theory of Turbulent Flame
  17. Heat release rate, average burned gas temperature and NO formation as well as turbulent burning rate, turbulent flame propagating speel and flame speed ratio in different flame zones were computed as model output.
  18. A two-zone combustion modeling in spark ignition ( SI) engine that includes chemical kinetic modeling and turbulent flame combustion modeling was established.
  19. In addition, the max turbulent flame speed is similar in these cases, which means turbulent influence on the indoor fire caused by gas leakage is less.
  20. A turbulent diffusion flame exploring this technique was investigated in various conditions of different oscillating frequency through direct photographs.
  21. A quasi dimensional turbulent flame propagation model for two stroke SI engine is developed. It is demonstrated that this model works well for a testing motorcycle engine, as the experimental results are fairly consistent with those obtained by calculations. A few empirical parameters obtained are given.
  22. A Study of Variation of Size and Structure of Pulverized Coal Particles in a Turbulent Jet Flame
  23. Numerical Simulation of Development of Turbulent Flame in an Obstructed Tube
  24. A quasi-dimensional combustion model for motorcycle gasoline engines was established based on a combination of the turbulent flame propagation model and the reduced chemical kinetic model.
  25. In case A, the propagation of laminar flames is periodically oscillatory, and the turbulent flame accelerates continuously.
  26. A turbulent methane jet diffusion flame is numerically simulated by using both steady and unsteady flamelet models. The modeling ability of the two models to represent the mean turbulent flame structures, active radicals and pollutant ( nitric oxides) emissions is compared.
  27. Numerical study of radial distribution of composition of methane turbulent jet flame by PDF method
  28. The paper also studies the autoignition phenomenon, the instantaneous turbulent flame configuration and the turbulent stabilization mechanism using the DNS results.
  29. The second case is mainly used to study a turbulent flame phenomenon based on an experiment.